| Half year to 30 June 2015 | Half year to 30 June 2014 |
Revenue | £299.8m | £312.3m |
Headline operating profit1 | £54.1m | £56.1m |
Return on sales2 | 18.0% | 18.0% |
Operating profit | £32.1m | £54.2m |
Headline profit before taxation1 | £52.6m | £54.5m |
Profit before taxation | £30.6m | £52.6m |
Headline operating cash flow3 | £40.2m | £44.0m |
Operating cash flow4 | £36.7m | £42.8m |
Net (debt) / cash | £(7.0)m | £5.5m |
Basic headline earnings per share5 | 21.1p | 22.1p |
Basic earnings per share5 | 10.6p | 21.1p |
Interim dividend per share6 | 4.8p | 4.6p |